Customer Reviews for Whiskey Myers
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Absolutely Fantastic!
There was nothing wrong with the acoustics in that theater, the problem was the speaker system. Even though it was not top-notch it was still good enough to enjoy a really great concert by an extremely talented group of musicians. They came out and said in the beginning that they going to put a deeper edge to these songs and that's exactly what they did. I thought they were incredible I would buy that CD, vinyl or Blu-ray in a heartbeat and I would go see that show again. If I wanted to hear the songs exactly the way that they were done on CD or vinyl I would have stayed home and listened to them that way. The fact that they did these with a hard edge, heavier rock edge I was pure genius. Well done guys!!
Whiskey Myers Revention Ctr
Fantastic show. Hugh energy Searing guitars and well structured jams
Whiskey on the Rocks
They killed it at Red Rocks; Huge Crowd and they rocked the house.
Trailer we call home
As one of there more popular songs I was very disappointed this was not included in the show. Even more so that its my wife’s second favorite. Up until the point where the show ended and they didn’t play twch I would have went to see them again. Now I’ll save my money and listen to the songs I have bought.
Very Disappointed
This was my 2nd (and last) WM concert. Not sure what you would call the style of how they played all their great songs but it didn’t work for me. Every song sounded as if it were in slow motion. I didn’t recognize most songs until they were almost finished. I was so excited to go to this concert but left extremely disappointed. I will stick to streaming their music that was recorded in a studio.
First WM show and frankly was very disappointed. Virtually no interaction with the audience. This was our first time and we expected to learn a bit about the band and their music. They also seemed to play hard rock song after hard rock song turned up loud and you couldn't hear the lyrics. I think these guys are very talented and wish they would stick to the songs with meaning and not just loud guitar riffs. They only played a few of our favorites; Stone; Broken Window Seranade and Ballad of a Southern Man but the acoustics were so bad you almost couldn't understand the lyrics.